In a world of magic, there lived three races of ponies: Earth, Unicorn and Pegasus. Each race having unique gifts and skills such as magic, flight, etc. However, there is one type of race that rules over all: Alicorns. Mystic ponies that have a Unicorn horn, Pegasus wings and, depending on the depiction, also have Earth pony power. These beautiful alicorns are styled as royalty and have been referred to as "Princesses". No one knew where Alicorns came from as it was stated that the status of "Alicorn Princess" are earned through one's greatest moment in their life.
As of right now, there are only two Princesses available: Celestia and Luna. No plans have been made to do the Mane 6 and Princess Candence at this said time.
~ ~ ~ ~ Keychain Detail ~ ~ ~ ~
Each keychain is 3.5" clear acrylic keychain with 'Good' and 'Evil' side of the respective princesses
~ ~ ~ ~ Sticker Detail ~ ~ ~ ~
Each sticker is 3" Glossy Sticker of the respective princesses
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